Computers and the related technologies are becoming more and more ubiquitous.
Various technical arenas in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, or Information Technology have come very near to the common people. The number of homes with Personal Computers is gradually increasing. A day will come, somewhere in the long future, when PC is referred to in the same class of Food, clothing and shelter". Improvements in the Networking technologies have fostered growth of very dense networks. Land line telephones have been becoming less and less popular and people now prefer communicating while on the move.
A Remote Control is perhaps the most popular gadget today. Right from the intense creativity of remotely controlling laser chip markers to the highly destructive remotely ignitable bombs, from the pins to the planes, remote control is not only occupying a omnipresence state, but is also enhancing its scope and domains.
When people have a good connectivity at their disposal, with tremendous power of mobile computing to supplement the same, we can think of connecting their home appliances to the personal computer or a laptop". With this, people would be able to turn on and off, and to some extent, control the appliances at their home even from a distant place. One of the very basic examples of an utility of this is switching on the air conditioner in the room just some time before reaching home, so that the room is sufficiently cool by then.
The usefulness of a long range remote control to home appliances has no limits.
A trivial setup facilitating such a thing would be to connect the home appliances, to a microcontroller receiver antenna that receives the controls from the user, the means of sending the transmitted signals to the appliances may be via a circuit or through a wireless media like Infra Red or the RF, We have had Infra Red Remote Controls, which work over very short distances, and Radio Wave Remote Controls, which work over larger distances. However, something fundamentally common with all these controls is that the transmitter and receiver should both use some kind of wireless waves.
The project is an implementation to the idea of the wireless communication between a PC and a microcontroller.
The project deals with displaying this possible wireless communication by transferring message from PC to the LCD through wireless media.
We used Microcontroller unit (AT89C51), LCD s {Liquid Crystal Display}, LM7805 Regulator IC, resistors, capacitors, diodes, RF module. To write, test, simulate and debug the code, we used Kiel Complier and the programming was done in C language